Yanni's Photo

👋 Hey there, I'm Yanni!

I'm a junior studying computer science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 🌽

Currently, I'm an undergraduate research assistant at the Parallel Programming Laboratory (PPL) where I tinker with the Charm++ framework. My interests generally lie in building scalable systems for large-scale computing applications. I'm also a course assistant for CS128 and CS433.

Last summer, I worked at Modern Treasury, where I redesigned a financial data ingestion system, 275x'ing its operating capacity.

I'm also involved with UIUC's Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) student chapter as an Academic Committee chair, and in the past, I've been involved with the Reflection Projections development team, Disruption Lab, and the Illinois Space Society.

When I'm not being a nerd, I like playing and making music, cooking, taking photos, and watching da bears lose. Feel free to contact me!

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